Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How to Centre Console Bulbs

I took the pics as I was putting it back together so ignore the fact the bulbs are on halfway through

1) Ok start off by pulling off the fan speed control, its a literal thing too it just pulls off

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2)You'll be left looking at a screw, remove this screw like so: :D

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3)Remove upper console, I did this by prying the edges with a knife, screwdriver would do just be careful not to stress the plastic. it will just lift off

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4)Remove the aerial (the gold plug)

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5)Slide the upper part of the console up and pull the lower bit out

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6)Look to the bottom of this pic and the white clip there is four of these ease them out carefully

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7)Lift out of the casing and ease the front face from the holder, again I used a knife, you can use what works best for you. and you will end up with something that looks like this

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Except yours will be peachy coloured, ignition off pull out the peach bulbs they will click out and install your new bulbs, turn the ignition on to test and his should happen

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Then repiece the jigsaw any queries comment me and I'll help the best I can



Guido said...

whats the model name of the bulbs?

107 Codf said...

I see you answered this on the 107 oc ;)

Unknown said...

Hello - I changed the bulbs but now the dashboard doesn't light up at all, even when I put the old bulbs back in - and the speedo also doesn't light up when the headlights are on. Are these lights connected? Also might it be a fuse issue? Do you know where the fuses are? Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks.